Friday, 24 May 2019


L.I To solve addition questions and attempt subtraction using a place value on a number line.
This week for math's I had to fill in the boxes with numbers. we had to skip
in ones twos and threes.


This week for reading we are talking about inferring. We had an google side that had
photos  and we had to write what we think.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

kiwi can

LI: doing things without being asked.
Topic: Responsibility.
catch phrase: kiwi can says responsible is what i am and that's the way of kiwi can.
activity: using skipping ropes, balance a  ball
responsibility by working together. once it was balanced web
perform simple task ie; walk to a window.
without the ball dropping.
define: spoke as a group about the different responsibilities
we have to define what being responsible is.


L.I: to learn about patupairarehe faries and the georgraphy of Aoteroa.

Patupaiarehe are fairies that live in mountain.
they have magic powers and super strength. 
the patupaiarehe we learnt about today live on deep forest.

We learnt about Patuaiairehe and rotorua by listing to the Ihenga and patupaiarehe by listening to the story of Ihenga and searching for for 
information, and using google maps.

Thursday, 16 May 2019

kiwi sport
LI: to develop body movements of
balance, rotation strength.
stretches: L shape seal butterfly
cat. straddle  back front side side sorport
rotation 1:  beam back - words box cartwheel 
bench - forward roll

today i learnt to make Ceviche

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

kiwi can lesson 1

LI- To define what honesty is.
Theme- Inegrity
Topic- Honesty
catchphrase- Speak to me truthfully that is called honesty!
role play- In groups we were  given a situation about honesty. we needed to act out how to be honest.
1 cheating
2 change
3 wallet
4 window.
In my group there was taxes, taua, Oscar, Bella H, Maklia and frazana. in my gruop we where doing Chang we had to go to shop and if the manor lady gives our more changer we had to go back to the lady so they can give the right Chang to us.

Friday, 3 May 2019