Monday 28 February 2022

I am still blogging …

I am still blogging … 

but I’ve moved.

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Wednesday 4 August 2021


 What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a meditation that calms our body and our mind using a mindfulness bell. It also allows us to focus on now, and leave the past and not worry about the future. There are two zones of mindfulness which are red and green. The red zone is when you are angry, frustrated, distracted, anxious, etc. The green zone is when you are calm, clear, peaceful, engaged, etc. This also lets us remove our negativity from our minds, and control our thoughts and emotions. To have a mindful mind you will need to have your legs crossed, hands on knees, close your eyes then breath in and then breath out while your back is straight. 

After doing this mindfulness session I felt more calm, and had a clear mind. 

Tuesday 29 June 2021


LI: To edit our writing using DRAFT.

This week continued writing our abstarct noun poem it about Bravery. We included descriptive words and used the 5 senses which are: See, smell, feel/touch,and taste.When we finished our poem we used DRAFT to check our work, this means delete, rearrange, add, fix and talk. DRAFT is looking closely at your work and making any changes to improve it.

We used word hippo to look for more powerful words to use.

Thursday 24 June 2021


 LI: To write an abstract noun.

For this task we worked collaboratively to create a poem using abstract nouns. Our group was given a list of abstract nouns that we can use to write a poem. The abstract noun we choose was misery. We used the five senses to describe what misery sounds, looks, tastes, and smells like while using metaphors to structure a poem correctly.

An abstract noun is a feeling or emotion that cannot be physically touched. A metaphor is the comparison between two things without using as or like. 

For example: Happiness is a river of joy that is flowing through my heart. 

The word happiness is the abstract noun and is used to create this metaphor. 

I really enjoyed doing this because I got to work collaboratively and work together in a group and also use powerful words to strengthen the poem and make our metaphor stand out.


LI: to understand what a metaphor is and how we use them in writing.

This week for writing, we have been focusing on writing and using abstract nouns in poems. For this task, we wrote a poem using our knowledge of synonyms, the five senses and language features to create a poem based on metaphors.

First, we chose a strong feeling or emotion to create and write a poem about. My group chose misery. We began by starting our poem off with defining what misery (the abstract noun) is. We used word hippo and researched powerful synonyms to use in our writing. We wrote a complex sentence using the five human senses to create a metaphor poem.

We enjoyed this task and found it fun because we were able to experiment with powerful adjectives and learn about abstract nouns. One thing I learnt from this learning experience is that an abstract noun is a word that exists but cannot be physically touched. 

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Descripten Writing

Our focus for writing this week was to use descriptive writing, which means using words that are powerful, making your text more exciting to read and add more detail into your writing. We were tasked to work collaboratively in pairs to complete this task.

Our task was to describe one of the two pictures that we were given. To make this task easier we would use our prior knowledge of sentence structures, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and descriptive words to create a piece of writing that uses descriptive words to make the text exciting to read.

I found this interesting because i find lots of new words during this work.

ML Forming an Opinion

 LI: consider both perspectives.

Today for inquiry my group and I read information about Kuirau Park, Rotorua, New Zealand we then looked if the information was true or false if the event took place or not by looking at one place in New Zealand. 

Something I found interesting was that some of the information written was real but at the end it was not true.