Wednesday, 26 June 2019

kiwi can

L.I. to use trust and reliability.

Learning: we learnt how to trust people.
Activity: we learnt to trust fall.
One person had to fall back.
The other partner had to caught the falling partner.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Hiwi the kiwi

L.I. to be responsible in the sea and fishing.
 we learned the legal fish size, we learnt to put our life jackets on when we are on a bout. i learnt to pick up our plastic and rubbish. so  the sea birds dont die.we also learnt to bring salt ice with us just in case we are fishing for salt water fishes.we learnt to have a wet towel to pick up fish so they dont get hurt. we sang songs and danced. we did challenges and answered questions.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Maori blog post

LI. to learn the seasons in Te Reo Maori

the word for season in Maori is tau. Spring,summer, Autumn
and winter also have their own words. we use

Friday, 7 June 2019

kiwi can

LI: follow through what we say
Topic:  Responsibility
activity: goal setting
three we can strive to complete by the by the end of the term LIST THEM
1 2 3
to follow though what we say is to actually do it
we can show this by following through listening and at school
this is shown by doing duties.
kiwi can says responsible is what i am and that's the way of kiwi can
catch phrase