Wednesday, 10 April 2019

term 1 kiwi can overview

LI: to recap everything we did in kiwi can

today in kiwi can we recapped all of
our learning from term 1.
our big theme was positive relationships.
our 3 moduks were - positive commnication friendships cooeration
we made 3 groups. each group talked about the 5 w's 1 H for 1 modukl.
after we talked as a group each group shard their
ideas back to the class.
reflection 1 thing you enjoyed this term. I like last man standing
1 thing you learnt. I learnt friendships
1 thing you need to better on. being nice

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

L1. to improve our basic facts recall.
by counting
by counting forwards and backwards
by counting in 5


Friday, 5 April 2019

rymeing words

poetry is a text for telling people ideas and feelings.
rhyme is using the same sounds in words.
A flea and a fly

Flew up in a flue.
One, two,
buckle my shoe;
Three, four,
shut the door;

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

kiwi can friendship including others

LI: To build positive relationship.

today  in kiwi can we were learning about
friendship. we learnt that  there are times to say NO!
we talked about situations were it is ok to say NO!
we discussed diffident way to say NO that don't cause disrespect.
we did a activity called empathy role play.
a group acted the way out a situatio and  as a class. we needed to decide the way to say
our options were,
no thanks!
lets do something else instead.
that's not my thing to do.