Thursday, 28 February 2019

kiwi sport k-o-raih

at kiwi sport we had to learn to be a taniwha coch said  how many hits we can get and we only got 19

Thursday, 21 February 2019

kiwi c

when ls1 went to kiwi we had to follow the mr patis comand .
we had to do the comands when mr. pati says one then we had to do one punch when he says two then we had to do two punch's when he says there that means we had to do two punch's and one kick when he says number 4 we had the kame kame  and when he

kiwi sport

Friday, 15 February 2019

rainbows end

in the hollydays I went to rainbow end. at rainbows end I we

Maths Graph

LI: To display data on a graph.
This week for Maths we had to make a graph  digitally and by hand. On our graph we had to write about six different data platforms.

Each of us made one graph each.  For the graphs we had to write a statements about  the data we collected.For the graphs we had to write the labels and the title so people know what it is about. Some main things you need on a graph is amount of people that have you data, a vertical and horizontal lable.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

ki.o Rahi

LI: To learn the origin and basics about Ki o Rahi

I learned about the legend of Ki o Rahi we also watched a video that was showing us and telling us about the legend of Ki o Rahi we watched the video so that we can earn about why the game Ki o Rahi and so that we can under stand more about the legend.

and then we went outside and we played two games Rats and Rabbits and 8 passes so when coch says  rabits then the rabit team hast to run and the other team tags them when coch says rat team then they run and the rabit team tags them. and the last game we had to mix the boy team with the girl team one team has bibs and the other has no bibs so one team had the ball and the other team had no ball so when coch says soccer and when she 4 peop
le then then 4 people come out of there team then they play.